Upcoming events.
Find event waitlists when you scroll down our webpage.
We run a variety of different styles of events with the 90% of our events being free - we may run paid events from time to time. The types of events we run include:
🗣️ Conversation events: This is our bread & butter. epic sized events where you get to meet new people, connect and talk about the sh*t you normally don’t get to.
🤝 Social connection events: These events are non-facilitated events and are often much smaller and more relaxed than our regular conversation events.
✊ MC Activism: We want to encourage social change in our community but it can be daunting & overwhelming to tackle big problems alone. MC activism was designed to connect like-minded passionate people to help support others.
🫶 Community-run events: These events are created & run by community members. We encourage you to create your own events and we are more than happy to spread the word.
Amsterdam Event Interest
No event date Yet!
Hi friends,
We can’t wait to bring you more events in Amsterdam, our first event was incredible and I know there were lots more people who wanted to join.
Please fill out the form so that when we are ready to give you a date for our next event we can email you the information right to your inbox!
P.S. if you know anybody who might be able to host us for an event or might want to sponsor an event please email me at hello@themillennialcrisis.com look forward to meeting you all soon!
London Event Interest
No event date Yet!
Hi friends,
We can’t wait to bring you more events in London, our first event was incredible and I know there were lots more people who wanted to join.
Please fill out the form so that when we are ready to give you a date for our next event we can email you the information right to your inbox!
P.S. if you know anybody who might be able to host us for an event or might want to sponsor an event please email me at hello@themillennialcrisis.com look forward to meeting you all soon!

Sydney Event Interest
No event date Yet!
Hi friends,
We can’t wait to bring you more events in Sydney, we want to make sure you don’t miss out on the next event.
Please fill out the form so that when we are ready to give you a date for our next event we can email you the information right to your inbox!
P.S. if you know anybody who might be able to host us for an event or might want to sponsor an event please email me at hello@themillennialcrisis.com look forward to meeting you all soon!

New York Event Interest
No event date Yet!
Hi friends,
We can’t wait to bring you more events in New York, we want to make sure you don’t miss out on the next event.
Please fill out the form so that when we are ready to give you a date for our next event we can email you the information right to your inbox!
P.S. if you know anybody who might be able to host us for an event or might want to sponsor an event please email me at hello@themillennialcrisis.com look forward to meeting you all soon!

Melbourne/Naarm August event
About this event
Millennial Crisis is a community of like-minded Millennials & Gen Z who are fed up with the idea of the way "things are supposed to go". From working a shitty corporate 9-5 that is causing you mental distress, to watching our "leaders" turn our economy and our environment to sh*t.
This space is designed to connect you with others to discuss topics that are relevant to our generation… ultimately leaving us feeling a little less alone in our experience and with a little reminder that none of us really know wtf we are doing, and that’s OK!
Imagine the meaningful conversations you have traveling abroad or staying up late with great friends! Our Conversation events run once a month across the globe, with an aim to spark real-life friendships 🙌
You may not currently be a "do-er" but through the encouragement & support of a community, we hope you contribute to changing the world (or at least your world).
We don’t run regular “networking” events because our community is about more than that, it is a space for open conversation about things you wouldn’t normally talk about. You can expect to be placed in small groups with other Millennials and Gen Z-ers seeking meaningful conversation and connection. Our prompts will spark thought-provoking conversations about topics that matter to you. It's the perfect opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, make new connections, and learn from one another's experiences.
If you have any concerns or questions we are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible so get in touch @themillennialcrisis on IG or hello@themillennialcrisis.com
As with all TMC events, this is a safe space for you to be 100% yourself, with no judgment so come and say hi!
IF YOU’D LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO KEEPING OUR EVENTS FREE & HAVE THE MEANS, DONATE BELOW :) Our space is community run & lead meaning everybody who contributes their time is a volunteer. We are self funded and in order to ensure we are sustainable we would appreciate if you had the means to donate or to connect us with businesses/government bodies who may want to sponsor us or give us a grant to continue connecting young people!
Donate here: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/donate/donations

Melbourne/Naarm July Event
About this event
Millennial Crisis is a community of like-minded Millennials & Gen Z who are fed up with the idea of the way "things are supposed to go". From working a shitty corporate 9-5 that is causing you mental distress, to watching our "leaders" turn our economy and our environment to sh*t.
This space is designed to connect you with others to discuss topics that are relevant to our generation… ultimately leaving us feeling a little less alone in our experience and with a little reminder that none of us really know wtf we are doing, and that’s OK!
Imagine the meaningful conversations you have traveling abroad or staying up late with great friends! Our Conversation events run once a month across the globe, with an aim to spark real-life friendships 🙌
You may not currently be a "do-er" but through the encouragement & support of a community, we hope you contribute to changing the world (or at least your world).
We don’t run regular “networking” events because our community is about more than that, it is a space for open conversation about things you wouldn’t normally talk about. You can expect to be placed in small groups with other Millennials and Gen Z-ers seeking meaningful conversation and connection. Our prompts will spark thought-provoking conversations about topics that matter to you. It's the perfect opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, make new connections, and learn from one another's experiences.
If you have any concerns or questions we are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible so get in touch @themillennialcrisis on IG or hello@themillennialcrisis.com
As with all TMC events, this is a safe space for you to be 100% yourself, with no judgment so come and say hi!
IF YOU’D LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO KEEPING OUR EVENTS FREE & HAVE THE MEANS, DONATE BELOW :) Our space is community run & lead meaning everybody who contributes their time is a volunteer. We are self funded and in order to ensure we are sustainable we would appreciate if you had the means to donate or to connect us with businesses/government bodies who may want to sponsor us or give us a grant to continue connecting young people!
Donate here: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/donate/donations

SYDNEY/Warrane Critical Discussion Club | Not a bookclub, but kinda a bookclub
Join our Melbourne & Sydney Community for a modern day bookclub! Sometimes we don’t have the time to read an entire book, but you can defs listen to a podcast ep or read an article - in this club we are going to critically discuss a piece of writing or podcast every month :)
Sydney Career’s with purpose Conversations | An event to connect, learn & discover what it means to have a Purposeful career
When: Thursday April 20th 6:30pm
Where: The Commons George St, Sydney
Cost: $19
Millennial Crisis is joining forces with The Social Story Co to bring you a collaborative event focused on connecting with Millennials & Gen Z looking who are looking for a purpose-driven career. This event will focus on conversations that will leave you feeling less alone in your struggles and confusion navigating your career, life and how tf you find your purpose in it all??
If you find yourself struggling with the following questions, this event is for you:
👉 I don’t know what to do with my career, all I know is it’s sucking the life out of me rn 😀
👉 I just want to do a job that I feel like is making an impact and that gives me purpose
👉 Do I need to find a job I love, or can my job just make me money & can I seek purpose outside of work?
👉 How do I find and connect with people who want to do good work & I can be inspired by??
We believe open conversations with the right people can give you new perspectives, support & empower you to go after the things you want - because life is hardddd, we need good support systems around us!
This event will not only connect you with other like-minded pals in their 20s & 30s, as well as allow you to hear from industry professionals who have created a purpose-driven career, built a purposeful lifestyle & have been in your exact position.
You will have an opportunity to not only dive into deep discussion with others but also ask all your burning questions to an expert panel. We encourage the “taboo topics” here, so bring it on!!
Who is The Social Story Co?
The Social Story is a purpose-driven social media agency with a mission to help you use social media for good. Tiff Ng is the Founder and Chief Storyteller at The Social Story she is passionate about empowering people to tell their stories in meaningful ways through social.
Tiff focuses on how businesses can build lasting relationships that inform, inspire and activate their audiences. Moreover, she looks at ways that social can be a tool for social impact – from how we can make it more accessible to how we can promote ideas of inclusivity and sustainability with every post.
Who is Millennial Crisis?
Millennial Crisis is a social movement that aims to reconnect Millennials and Gen Z IRL through community and conversation. We host events where you are encouraged to push yourself into your stretch zone and connect with strangers over topics that are relevant to our generation. Ultimately leaving feeling a little less alone in our experience and with a little reminder that none of us know wtf we are doing, and that’s OK!
Imagine the meaningful conversations you have travelling abroad or staying up late with great friends! We hope that our events are your first small step into creating meaningful connections, learning from your peers and realising how important connection is for us and paying that forward to those in your community.
What to expect?
Don’t worry this won't be a regular networking event - we don’t do awkward or boring! As we encourage you to come solo to our events, we ensure that we do our best to make you feel welcome, introduce you to new people upon arrival, and give you food & non-alcoholic drinks so you have something to do with your hands 😂
You can expect facilitated conversation with industry experts where no matter how introverted or extroverted you are, there will be opportunities for you to both listen and be heard. We will also have a panel of experts who have found purposeful lifestyles or careers so you can ask all the questions!
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for poor behaviour, discrimination of any kind or derogatory language. By registering for our events, you are acknowledging and agreeing to be a “good person”, by our definition, we expect you to:
- Not use any form of discriminatory language
- Engage in respectful discourse when topics arise
- No bullying, belittling or making any other community member feel uncomfortable through inappropriate language or actions
- Lead with empathy, and engage in 2 way non-combative communication
We lead with empathy but promise to provide as safe of space for all of our community members as possible. As with all TMC events, this is a safe space for you to be 100% yourself, with no judgment so come and say hi!
Head to our website for all of your Q's to be answered: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/f-a-q
Follow us on Instagram for more updates:

21st Century Conversations & Connection Dating Events FORM REGISTRATION
After the huge demand and success of our first event, Millennial Crisis & Conscious Connection have decided to team up again to host another Conversational Connection event where everyone just so happens to be single 😉 Is this a speed dating event or singles mixer? In short, no. There are plenty of events on the market that follow a speed dating or singles mixer format, and although that works for some people we believe that they can feel high pressure and expectations of the evening can take away from the enjoyment. Our event aims to connect people on a personal level, you will get to see people be: goofy, vulnerable, funny, real, raw. If you happen to vibe with someone, there will be opportunity for you both to connect, it's a chance to meet like-minded people in your city, a friend, a potential love interest and if all else fails have a fun night!
What is this event? This event is based on conversation and connection. We run intimate and facilitated conversation and connection chats throughout the evening giving you a chance to meet and connect with people in a low pressure environment. In between those facilitated discussions you will have periods where you will get to mingle and discuss something you found intriguing about somebody. How much is the event? Our events will range between $50-60. We want to keep the events accessible but also these events take a lot of work because we take pride in our event curation, vetting of our guests & experience.
What's included? Food, non-alcoholic drinks (we want to ensure we keep our events dry, we know it can be daunting to not have a social lubricant but we want you to know that you don't need that in order to connect with others), fun and incredible city views!
Do you run queer events? For now, we will only running straight dating events. In future we hope that we can collaborate with the right people to ensure we can run an inclusive and well curated queer event! If you're looking for queer dating events we can recommend: https://linktr.ee/thefigrcom
What age range are your events for?
Although we hope to in future run events for other age brackets for now we are sticking to a 25-35 year old age bracket. We want to keep age ranges appropriate and will keep you posted on when we open the ranges up
Melbourne March Event | Conversations for navigating career confusion
Millennial Crisis is joining forces with Give a Grad a Go to bring you a collaborative event focused on “Navigating the Transition”. This event will focus on conversations that will leave you feeling less alone in your struggles and confusion navigating the job market and transition from student to full-time adulter 😀
We believe open conversations with the right people can give you new perspectives, insights and new people to discuss what “circling back” and other office lingo actually means???
This event will not only connect you with other like-minded grads in their 20s & 30s, but you will also hear and get to ask the Give a Grad a Go team questions on how to best approach the new job market. They will share their top tips on navigating the job market, what red flags to look out for in employers, how to ace the job interview and much more. You will have an opportunity during the event to ask them anything! We tackle the “taboo topics” here.
Find out more & register 👇

March Conversations in the Park Event | Melbourne/Naarm
When: Saturday 4th of March
Where: Barkley Gardens, Richmond
Join us for thought provoking conversations in the park! We love to bring people together and talk about sh*t that matters, we don’t shy away from taboo conversations and believe everybody has something to contribute. These events encourage you to take a small step forward towards doing the sh*t you want to do and having people support you in that.
Our events are main events are free and we want to keep them that way, as we don’t believe anybody should have to pay to access community and to engage in open conversation. We have added a new donations element to our events so that we can keep them sustainable so if you do have the means and would like to contribute to ensuring we can keep running our events feel free to donate what you can (but please do not feel obliged, only for those who know they have the privilege of a higher paid job and can afford to). You can do so via the link below.
We are community-run and lead, meaning in order for us to continue we need your help. We believe you can learn a lot from your peers and that contributing to something can give you the purpose or inspo you need to figure out your next step. If you’d like to contribute your time or skillset to Millennial Crisis, do so via the “Become a facilitator/volunteer” link below. There you can register interest to facilitate this event or to show interest in sharing something with us for future - don’t worry we will train you up and give you all the tools you need to run a conversation :)

Naarm/Melbourne February Park Event
When: Saturday, 4th Feb, 2pm
Where: Barkley Gardens, Richmond, Melbourne
Join us for thought provoking conversations in the park! We love to bring people together and talk about sh*t that matters, we don’t shy away from taboo conversations and believe everybody has something to contribute. These events encourage you to take a small step forward towards doing the sh*t you want to do and having people support you in that.
Our events are main events are free and we want to keep them that way, as we don’t believe anybody should have to pay to access community and to engage in open conversation. We have added a new donations element to our events so that we can keep them sustainable so if you do have the means and would like to contribute to ensuring we can keep running our events feel free to donate what you can (but please do not feel obliged, only for those who know they have the privilege of a higher paid job and can afford to). You can do so via the link below.
We are community run and lead, meaning in order for us to continue we need your help. We believe you can learn a lot from your peers and that contributing to something can give you the purpose or inspo you need to figure out your next step. If you’d like to contribute your time or skillset to Millennial Crisis, do so via the “Become a facilitator/volunteer” link below. There you can register interest to facilitate this event or to show interest in sharing something with us for future - don’t worry we will train you up and give you all the tools you need to run a conversation :)
MC Bookclub: Join our 28-day book club for the month of Feb
When: Wednesday, Feb 1-Feb 28
Where: Via Instagram stories (opted into a close friends list for discussions) & city based meet-ups (you will have the opportunity to opt into weekly catch-ups with others in MC from your own city).
How it works:
There will be a variety of option on how you can participate in book club, including via email instructions, an Instagram close friends list, a DM group and even the option for MC city-based Book Club meetups (if their are enough people registered in your city). Find out all of the details via the registration link.
What book are we reading? Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown - This was the top voted book by all of you so it’s what we will be reading & discussing for the month, go buy or borrow a copy ASAP! It is also available on Audible :)

MC Activism: Survival day - Not a date to celebrate
For 2023, Millennial Crisis knows our community wants to fight to bring down oppressive systems and is passionate about becoming better allies across the board. This Invasion Day/Survival Day we will be showing up in support of First Nations People to abolishing “Australia Day” and acknowledging it is NOT a date to celebrate.
We will be doing so in many ways, there is not one “right” way to support folk, and we understand that we are all in different situations so here are some ways you can show support:
- Join fellow MC community members in your city at a Survival Day event, please register via the form below, be sure to add which city you are in and we will group you with fellow MC members to attend an event together (you will be given information via email). Check out your local listing here: https://antar.org.au/issues/survival-day/events-listing/
- Donate/Pay rent here.
- Purchase an ally-friendly piece of apparel that acts as a great conversation starter here.
- Bring up difficult conversations with those you know who may be “celebrating” and engage in an empathetic and open discussion about why it’s not a day to celebrate and the significance of the day as well as the hurt our First Nations people experience. Here are some great resources: https://www.commonground.org.au/explore
- Join a survival day webinar, learn and show your support: https://www.evolves.com.au/survival-day-webinar/
Here you can register interest in meeting on the day to pay your respects and support First Nations People, we will email you details of where we will be meeting depending on your city.

Dip into your stretch zone
It’s time to get out of that comfort zone and kick of January with a cold dip & chat 🙌
We are not running any formal events in January as we are in planning mode for the year, however we can’t keep you all hanging. This will be an informal event where we will attend Melbourne’s Feel Good Dips and then have a chill social catch-up after. This will not be a facilitated event however, we will have conversational prompts and questions at our post-dip chat :)
Perfect way if you’ve never attended an event before to meet everyone before you attend one of a regular style events, and for the vets, it’s going to be so fun to switch things up with an activity 😍
When: Sunday, Jan 22nd 8:30am (Sharp, the dips are not run by us so it’s important to be on time - if you’re worried arrive a little earlier they also have an earlier session available with “Feel Good activities” at 7:45am)
Where: Elwood Beach (Elwood Bathers) & post-event chats at the foreshore trail - there will be time in between for us to grab a morning coffee/egg & bacon roll and then set up for a chat.
Registration: As this is not a collaborative event between us & Feel Good Dips, it’s important to register both with FGD via the link below (they require a waiver) & then with us so we understand the numbers for our post-event chat. If you’re not a morning person, feel free to register & join us for a chat post-dip!
Melbourne Conversations in the Park
When: Sunday November 27th, 2pm
Where: Barkly Gardens, Richmond
Find out more & register👇
Sydney November Event
When: Sunday, November 13th
Where: Camperdown Memorial Rest Park, Newtown, NSW
Find out more & register 👇

Boston November Event
When: Saturday, November 5th
Where: The Boston Common
Find out more & register 👇

Melbourne September Event
Millennial Conversations Melbourne September event details:
When: Tuesday, September 20th, 6:30pm
Where: The Commons Cremorne | 10-20 Gwynne St, Cremorne VIC 3121, Australia

Amsterdam event | Millennial Conversations in the Park
When: Thursday July 21st
What time: 6pm
Where: Vondel Park - Zocherstraat st entrance (maps details via event registration), Amsterdam, Netherlands

London Event | Millennial Conversations in the Park
When: Thursday, July 14th 2022
What time: 6pm onwards (we know it’s a work night we account for those who need to come later & you will be included just the same)
Where: Victoria Park, London. Meeting at the corner of Victoria Park Rd & Cadogan Terrace, just off Wick Rd

Melbourne July Event
When: Thursday, July 7th. 6:30pm
Where: Winning Appliances: 540 Swan St, Richmond VIC 3121

Sydney Event: Millennial Crisis x Zee Feed
Millennial Crisis is hosting a collab event with ZeeFeed connecting you with like-minded Millennials & Gen Z to discuss “the Digital Millennial Crisis”.
When: Tuesday, June 28th, 6:30pm
Where: Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas, Chippendale, Sydney.
Boston Park event: Millennial Conversations
When: Saturday June 11, 2pm
Where: Boston Common, Boston, MA

The Hive: Millennial Conversations event
When: Tuesday, May 24th, 6:30pm
Where: The Hive Collingwood
Clean up the Parks Conversations Event | LLP x Millennial Crisis
An event for Gen Z & Millennials to learn & discuss topics surrounded by sustainability, clean up our streets & meet like-minded people!
Where: Carlton Gardens
When: Sunday, 24 April, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Millennial Conversations Event
Connect with like-minded Millennials & Gen Z over thought provoking conversations.
When: March 31st, 6:30pm
Where: WeWork 120, Spencer St, Melbourne (CBD)

Conversations in the Park
Have conversations with like-minded Millennials & Gen Z.
When: 2pm Saturday 26th of Februrary
Where: Barkly Gardens, Richmond, MELB
What do I bring? A picnic blanket & yourself - we will have snacks but feel free to bring any food/drink you like :)
Online Millennial Conversations Event #35
The time has come for another Millennial Conversations Event, thanks to old mate COVID we will be taking this one online..again! But don’t worry, it’s not going to be like your regular old zoom meeting or online trivia, we are just as over Zoom as you are…
But, you know that we never do anything ordinary at The Millennial Crisis.
This event will bring a little bit of light into our pandemic lives, allow you to connect with like-minded people and have open conversations about sh*t that actually matters.
Imagine the meaningful conversations you have traveling abroad, or staying up late with great friends!
We are all about getting outside of your comfort zone and into your stretch zone so push through the awkwardness, self-doubt, and fear you may feel leading up to the event, if you have any concerns or questions we are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible so get in touch @themillennialcrisis on IG or hello@themillennialcrisis.com
As with all TMC events, this is a safe space for you to be 100% yourself, no judgment so come and say hi!
Who is this event for?
If you are currently stuck in the monotony of your 9-5, confused about the direction you want to go in life or are looking to push yourself out of your comfort zone and meet new people this event is for you.
We started the Millennial Crisis community, to connect, learn and grow with like-minded Millennials & Gen Z, so far we have run 40 online events and 2 IRL events where people have formed new friendships, collaborated on projects and gained new perspectives.
Just a bunch of weirdo’s looking to live our best lives.
What can I expect?
Our events are inclusive and safe spaces, you can expect to feel supported, to meet new and interesting people doing really cool sh*t.
You can expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone (in the best way), engage in interesting conversation, be asked questions you may not have ever considered before, exchange stories with strangers and most importantly feel less alone in whatever “Millennial Crisis” you are experiencing.
But I have nobody to go with?
To be completely honest, we encourage people to come without knowing anybody, this is an opportunity for you to meet new people, connect in a way that you may not have before, and come in with a fresh slate, be the person you want to be without any expectations of what people will think of the “new you”.
Our community is all about growth (personal & career), so come alone and know we create a space where everybody no matter how shy you are will connect with somebody, we do a really great job of making our events inclusive and give everybody the opportunity to talk, meet new people without having to go up to a random person and start a conversation.
Don’t worry, if you have friends that you’d like to come with we encourage this too! It usually means you have great friends that you feel comfortable with and are both looking to grow together - we love to see it!
I experience anxiety/social anxiety I’m not sure about this?
A lot of our community experiences different levels of anxiety, meeting new people and a mid-pandemic world can do this to you! Remember it’s normal and totally valid to feel this way. We try to ease everybody’s minds as much as we can pre, upon arrival and during the event. This means having somebody greet you, creating a space that is inclusive and leaving our DM’s and emails open for anyone who has any questions that will help ease your mind.
However, if your anxiety gets the better of you do not worry! It happens, we’d love for you to register for the event, give it a crack to come and if you can’t make it last minute for this reason we are proud of you for trying!
We also run virtual events, which can sometimes be less scary for people to attend, so to ease in feel free to join a virtual event first and connect with our global community there :)
Millennial Conversations in the Park
The time has come for another Melbourne Meet-up, we are so excited to meet, connect and welcome more of you to our awesome community of Millennials & Gen Z!
Online Millennial Conversations Event
The time has come for another Millennial Conversations Event, thanks to old mate COVID we will be taking this one online..again! But don’t worry, it’s not going to be like your regular old zoom meeting or online trivia, we are just as over Zoom as you are…
But, you know that we never do anything ordinary at The Millennial Crisis.
This event will bring a little bit of light into our pandemic lives, allow you to connect with like-minded people and have open conversations about sh*t that actually matters.
Imagine the meaningful conversations you have traveling abroad, or staying up late with great friends!
We are all about getting outside of your comfort zone and into your stretch zone so push through the awkwardness, self-doubt, and fear you may feel leading up to the event, if you have any concerns or questions we are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible so get in touch @themillennialcrisis on IG or hello@themillennialcrisis.com
As with all TMC events, this is a safe space for you to be 100% yourself, no judgment so come and say hi!
Who is this event for?
If you are currently stuck in the monotony of your 9-5, confused about the direction you want to go in life or are looking to push yourself out of your comfort zone and meet new people this event is for you.
We started the Millennial Crisis community, to connect, learn and grow with like-minded Millennials & Gen Z, so far we have run 40 online events and 2 IRL events where people have formed new friendships, collaborated on projects and gained new perspectives.
Just a bunch of weirdo’s looking to live our best lives.
What can I expect?
Our events are inclusive and safe spaces, you can expect to feel supported, to meet new and interesting people doing really cool sh*t.
You can expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone (in the best way), engage in interesting conversation, be asked questions you may not have ever considered before, exchange stories with strangers and most importantly feel less alone in whatever “Millennial Crisis” you are experiencing.
But I have nobody to go with?
To be completely honest, we encourage people to come without knowing anybody, this is an opportunity for you to meet new people, connect in a way that you may not have before, and come in with a fresh slate, be the person you want to be without any expectations of what people will think of the “new you”.
Our community is all about growth (personal & career), so come alone and know we create a space where everybody no matter how shy you are will connect with somebody, we do a really great job of making our events inclusive and give everybody the opportunity to talk, meet new people without having to go up to a random person and start a conversation.
Don’t worry, if you have friends that you’d like to come with we encourage this too! It usually means you have great friends that you feel comfortable with and are both looking to grow together - we love to see it!
I experience anxiety/social anxiety I’m not sure about this?
A lot of our community experiences different levels of anxiety, meeting new people and a mid-pandemic world can do this to you! Remember it’s normal and totally valid to feel this way. We try to ease everybody’s minds as much as we can pre, upon arrival and during the event. This means having somebody greet you, creating a space that is inclusive and leaving our DM’s and emails open for anyone who has any questions that will help ease your mind.
However, if your anxiety gets the better of you do not worry! It happens, we’d love for you to register for the event, give it a crack to come and if you can’t make it last minute for this reason we are proud of you for trying!
We also run virtual events, which can sometimes be less scary for people to attend, so to ease in feel free to join a virtual event first and connect with our global community there :)

Community & Conversations Event | Melbourne Meet-up
Melbourne Meet-Up for Melbourne’s NOW Generation (Millennials & Gen Z) to network, connect and have meaningful conversation.

Millennial conversations | mental health
Millennial Conversations is a space for like-minded Millennial to connect and discuss relevant topics & struggles we face as a Generation.
The conversation is facilitated by the event host & discussed by the group, it's a great place to network, discuss innovative ideas & in-depth conversation you don't always get to have.
We know it can be daunting to join a session with complete strangers, but that's the fun in it. It's a safe and private space to go in-depth on topics you may not get the chance to discuss openly.
Get into your "stretch-zone" and sign up to our session.
Any questions please email me at demi.kotsoris@outlook.com, if you don't see event confirmation check your junk mail :)
This session is not a substitute for professional help. In these, we share & discuss our "Millennial Crisis'" that can affect our mental health usually to realise there are others experiencing the exact same feelings.