4 tools to better understand who you are


Understanding WHO you are?

Here are the 3 resources I talk about in the podcast that I suggest you do, to help you evaluate who you are at your core a little better. I suggest doing all 3 as they all add different elements and can help you be more strategic in where you are heading with your future.

1. Self-discovery booklet by @lifecoachsam:

Identify your strengths and weaknesses, your ideal day and set yourself goals for your future. We talk about how to better understand who you are and the importance of self-discovery in Episode 2 of The Millennial Crisis Podcast, listen here.

Find it here: https://www.lifecoachsam.com/free-downloads

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2. In-depth personality test by 16 personalities:

Find out what your personality type is, whether you are more extroverted or introverted, what makes you tick and even what celebrities share the same personality type as you.

Take the test here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

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3. Sparkatypes by Jonathan Fields:

Find out what ignites you. This is perfect for figuring out what you need to look for in the workplace to feel "fulfilled". Even if you can't make money from it just yet, it gives you something to work to in the future!

Take the test here: https://www.goodlifeproject.com/sparketest/


4. Enneagram Personality test

Another great option this one takes around 10-15min I personally found it more helpful than the 16 personalities one however they are both great.

Here's where you can take it for free: https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test

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